Canonical and No-Profit Organizzazion

UBUNTU’S NEWBIE guide for new users

✅ Install Ubuntu on VM to try it. You can also get a Live CD.

❗️ Dual boot is necessary to play games on windows and use proprietary software. If you can, avoid it. It’s a waste of time reboot to get a Linux session, You may need a laptop where you can learn useful sys admin skills, if you cant baremetal install only Linux

♻️ Be on linux is like to be stealth on your day-by-day activities, avoid telemetry and proprietary drivers and take part of testing group, if you like. You can also check open ports if you want be a paranoid eremite. Remember: Close any port from your firewall will proportionally reduce hacking danger.

What can you do for no-profit believing in the project

CANONICAL really need your help, because consumers assistant and his community is the main face of the organizations, as it interact directly to the client

💻 Be informed by the last news, Canonical gives the italian newsletter here on telegram.

🌐 Canonical offers great support, don’t be shy to use the OS for you daily activities, be prepared of search your issues on search motor or ask on forum.

Official IRC channel is quite silent and difficult to be present 24/24, but sporadic connection may help your issue in few time, in a comfortable WEB interface. Remember: Google is your friend

♻️ Participate actively the community, will help us to grow and get a better image, and let you get experience of about real work is or what you can do for a non-profit purpose, hoping you believe the project

Gruppi per partecipare

Gruppo Documentazione ha bisogno di aiuto nel formattare, redare e scrivere nuovi contenuti

✏️ Don’t be afraid of print, draw, or share your own graphic content in the Promotion Group, maybe someone will notice you and print your depliants for propaganda use

👨‍💻 E per i disoccupati in ricerca di prime esperienze lavorative, consiglio il gruppo developer

👁️‍🗨️ Il gruppo test verifica errori e li categorizza per essere corretti al più presto

If you’re already a SysAdmin on a Linux expert you can help others with your knowledge on Telegram pages, wich are most popular and barely official.
Nice person in there.

⚠️For professional roles, Canonical is hiring

For whom who studies, are ready to a career, have time to spend in social activities or believe in Free Software fondation / Open Source / Foss , become a partner of Canonical is a great experience.

Make internet a better place, give your free time to a professional activity for a business that you belive.

Other resources